Mission Statement
The Baffin Regional Chamber of Commerce is a non-partisan organization established to foster, promote and improve business development in a responsible manner while providing value to membership through benefits, partnerships, communications, advocacy and initiatives.
About the BRCC
During these important times in Nunavut, the answer would be that we are a “chamber of change.” The change comes from a constant transformation of the way we live and work in the region. While we are a “chamber of change”, we call ourselves a Chamber of Commerce because we seek to make commerce happen through business growth and attraction, as well as the advocacy efforts that help improve business in our region.
Your membership decision is certainly worth the investment. There is power in the partnership of the members of the Baffin Regional Chamber of Commerce. You cannot put a dollar figure on the benefits, referrals, business leads, political contacts, marketing services, economic development projects, research information and other work that your chamber does on the behalf of the Baffin business community.
The Baffin Regional Chamber of Commerce is located in Iqaluit, Nunavut.
Funded principally by membership sales, project management/administration fees and the profits realized from the annual Nunavut Trade Show & Conference, your regional chamber works for a healthy economic climate of good jobs, capital creation, and honest, efficient government. Our strength lies in the number and diversity of our membership.
Constitution and By-Laws
Download the constitution of the BRCC: Consitution.pdf 50K PDF.
Download the by-laws of the BRCC: By-laws.pdf 144K PDF.